Module / Transform

Marqua • Data Authoring Framework

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IntroductionGetting StartedSemanticsModule / CoreModule / ArtisanModule / BrowserModule / FileSystemModule / Transform

This module provides a set of transformer functions for the traverse({ transform: ... }) parameter. These functions can be used in conjunction with each other, by utilizing the pipe function provided from the 'mauss' package and re-exported by this module, you can do the following

import { traverse } from 'marqua/fs'; import { pipe } from 'marqua/transform'; traverse({ entry: 'path/to/content' }, () => {}, pipe(/* ... */));


The chain transformer is used to add a flank property to each items and attaches the previous (idx - 1) and the item after (idx + 1) as flank: { back, next }, be sure to sort it the way you intend it to be before running this transformer.

export function chain<T extends { slug?: string; title?: any }>(options: { base?: string; breakpoint?: (next: T) => boolean; sort?: (x: T, y: T) => number; }): (items: T[]) => Array<T & Attachment>;
  • A base string can be passed as a prefix in the slug property of each items.

  • A breakpoint function can be passed to stop the chain on a certain condition.

    traverse( { entry: 'path/to/content' }, ({}) => {}, chain({ breakpoint(item) { return; // ... }, }), );
  • A sort function can be passed to sort the items before chaining them.