Getting Started

Marqua • Data Authoring Framework

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0.6.0 Changelog

IntroductionGetting StartedSemanticsModule / CoreModule / ArtisanModule / BrowserModule / FileSystemModule / Transform

Start by installing Marqua from the npm registry

pnpm install marqua

If you’re using any code blocks in your markdown, make sure to include the stylesheets from /styles to your app, which you can do in either a JS file or a CSS file.

// process with JS bundler import 'marqua/styles/code.css';
/* process with CSS bundler */ @import 'marqua/styles/code.css';

Use the functions from the /fs module to compile a file or traverse directories.

import { compile, traverse } from 'marqua/fs'; const article = compile(/* path to your file */); const data = traverse(/* options */, /* hydrate callback */);

Add interactivity to the code blocks with hydrate from /browser module.

<script> import { hydrate } from 'marqua/browser'; </script> <main use:hydrate> <!-- content here --> </main>